@Carolin Bohn

Sipfront secures a further EUR 1.3 million

The specialist for the monitoring and quality assurance of telecommunications networks wins well-known investors in tecnet equity and the business angels Gernot Singer, Jan Trionow and Markus Buchner The financing round is supplemented by funding from the “aws Seedfinancing - Deep Tech” program.

Photo: copyright Carolin Bohn

In 2018, Andreas Granig and Daniel Tiefnig succeeded in selling their company Sipwise to Alcatel Lucent Enterprise for a sum in the double-digit millions. Just a few years later, they founded a similar-sounding company together with measurement technology expert Markus Seidl: Sipfront.

From SIP to 5G

SIP is the technology on which practically all voice and video connections in modern communication networks are based. The chosen company names refer to the founders' core technological expertise and business focus.

Sipfront has set itself the task of solving a problem that already exists today: The often inadequate quality of telephone calls and video conferences. With the spread of 5G and IoT, the use of networked devices and sensors is also rapidly increasing, particularly in logistics, warehousing and industry. In future, this will make monitoring connection quality and quickly rectifying problems a decisive competitive factor for numerous applications and business cases.

In addition to a number of renowned business customers, Sipfront cites Magenta as a reference, which relies on Sipfront's solutions for the quality control of its communication networks. “The voice and video quality in a network is an important indicator for identifying connection problems. This is because irregularities are usually the first to become apparent in real-time services that are sensitive to interference,” explains Andreas Granig, CEO of Sipfront. “Over the next few years, 5G devices with extremely low latencies in the industrial and automotive sectors will significantly increase the demands on these networks,” Granig is certain. This is precisely where Sipfront's AI-supported technology comes in, enabling telecom providers to provide reliable services for every single one of the millions of connected devices.

Investment for development and growth

In addition to the founders themselves, the Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG and the Vienna Business Agency, among others, supported the company financially in the first few years. The specialist for the monitoring and quality assurance of telecommunications networks has now announced a further round of financing amounting to 1.3 million euros. The investment is intended to accelerate the technological development and growth of Sipfront. This means that a total of more than 3 million euros will flow into the young company between its foundation and 2025.

The current financing round consists of a pre-seed investment from tecnet equity and the three business angels Gernot Singer (invest.austria), Jan Trionow (former CEO of Drei) and Markus Buchner (together with his co-shareholders from yuutel, a business telephony specialist from Vienna). This financing is supplemented by funding from the “aws Seedfinancing - Deep Tech” program, which will also support the company in an advisory capacity over the coming years.

Doris Agneter and Jürgen Milde-Ennöckl from tecnet equity on their investment decision: “Serial founders with whom we have already worked and a rapidly growing global market were the main reasons for our financing commitment to the Lower Austrian technology company.”

About tecnet equity

With a fund volume of around 50 million euros, tecnet equity is one of the leading equity investors for early-stage investments in Austria. tecnet finances young technology companies and companies with innovative business ideas through venture capital. Its support goes far beyond financial investment. With personal commitment, an international network and many years of experience, tecnet accompanies its portfolio companies to success. As a classic early stage investor, tecnet has been an active part of the Austrian start-up scene for many years.

aws Seedfinancing - Deep Tech

From prototype to market entry: aws Seedfinancing - Deep Tech bridges the financing gap for innovative startups that develop high-tech products. aws advises the startups and helps them to tap additional sources of financing.